Weekend Cocktail: Pineapple Upside Down Cake and Pineapple Iced Tea

One of my favorite go-to cocktails is simple: it's just pineapple juice with vanilla vodka. It's refreshing, light; so yummy and perfect for outdoor entertaining! I like to freeze pineapple juice into ice cubes for this drink... keeps it from becoming diluted. Try one and see if this does not become one of your favorite cocktails, too. A fun spin is to add a drop of grenadine in the bottom of the glass.... and a cherry for garnish. That's called a Pineapple Upside Down Cake. Another easy drink is my Pineapple Iced Tea. Perfect for a shower or tea. Hope you like them! Cheers to the weekend!
Pineapple Upside Down Cake Cocktail and Pineapple Iced TeaPINEAPPLE UPSIDE DOWN CAKE COCKTAIL
Add a drop of grenadine to the bottom of a tall glass (you can also use a martini glass and chill the drink in a shaker with ice if you prefer)
Next add:
Ice (I usually make pineapple ice cubes if I have time)
2 ounces vanilla vodka
3 ounces pineapple juice
Stir. Enjoy! Tell me that doesn't taste a lot like a pineapple upside down cake!
For the non-drinkers, try a spin on the Arnold Palmer. This one is called a Tiki Palmer. It's easy and really nice for a summer event like a bridal tea or baby shower.
Simply blend half unsweetened tea* and half sweetened pineapple juice together and serve over ice with a squeeze of lemon. Add a slice of pineapple, mint, or lemon for garnish. *Some people prefer to use sweet tea for this drink but I find it's too sweet for my taste. But either way will work!