
Entries in Valentine's Day (3)


Valentine's Day Treats: Easy Chocolate Fondue

I think Fondue should be called Fun-due because what's not fun about dipping stuff in melted chocolate? It's simple, romantic, indulgent, and delightful... all on a stick! Well, on a skewer. But the point is that in less than 15 minutes, you can create a quick and elegant party for two (or twenty) that looks as gorgeous as it tastes. 

Prep all of your dippers; almost anything tastes good in chocolate. Suggestions: strawberries, pineapple chunks, marshmallows, cookies, pretzels, apple slices, bananas, biscotti, orange sections, and graham crackers. I like to put some on skewers to create a little sculpture. Then place the remaining ingredients on a platter or in bowls.

Photos: Arden PhotographyEasy Chocolate Fondue

1 cup whipping cream

3 semi-sweet chocolate bars (4 ounces each) chopped (I like to mix in some bittersweet also)

2 tablespoons of your favorite liqueur* (I like hazelnut, orange, raspberry, or coffee)

*Substitute 2 tablespoons strong coffee OR simply add 1/2 teaspoon vanilla if you don't want to use liqueur.

Add the chocolate to a heat-proof bowl over a double boiler (a heat-proof bowl placed over a simmering pot of water) Keep the water simmering, not boiling as not to burn the chocolate. As the chocolate begins to melt, stir in the whipping cream, a little at a time. After it is incorporated, stir in the liqueur.

Transfer to a fondue pot if you have one, If you don't use a heat-proof dish (like Pyrex) with a tea light or votive candle under the dish to keep the chocolate melted. A dish that is not heat-proof, such as porcelain or ceramic will crack.

NOTE: The dish will get very hot so make sure the candle is not too close to the dish and take extreme care when handling!!


Valentine's Day Party Ideas for Singles or Couples: Host a Wine Find!

Do you have a mix of singles and couples you’d like to celebrate Valentine’s Day with this year? Select a party theme that doesn’t necessarily require any partnering or couple-oriented activities. Instead, select something that can be fun for all... Host a Wine Find!

Photo: Arden Photography 

A “Wine Find” is always lots of fun. You know how everyone just loves to introduce a good, inexpensive and interesting wine to their friends--- "I found this amazing red from just outside Burgundy and it was only $12.99!"  Well, you can turn the quest for a great, inexpensive bottle of wine into an inexpensive party theme. Here's how:


Ask each guest to bring their favorite "cheap" wine  along with a simple food pairing and tasting notes for the wine. You can usually find these at the store or online. Set a price limit if you want to really challenge your guests... say, nothing over $15 per bottle.  


Award prizes for the winners with the best white, red and sparkling wines with one special prize for the overall winner.


Photo: Arden PhotographyNeed prize ideas? Boxes of nice chocolates, wine accessories, a really good bottle of good bubbly, gift cards to a favorite wine shop or book store, or movie tickets are always a good bet. Hope you and yours celebrate the day that celebrates love with lots of fun and laughter!


For a variation on this party theme, watch my Host a Wine Around the World Party video or read the how-to and take your party to a whole new destination!


Valentine's Day Desserts: Chocolate Souffle with Chambord Creme

Isn't it wonderful that we have an entire day devoted to love, romance, and chocolate!  And since I LOVE chocolate, here's a tribute to my Valentine; deep, dark, rich chocolate!

Soufflés have always intimidated me. As I have learned, soufflés are not difficult. AND they are simply lovely, fluffy, delightful bites of heaven. You can try any sort of topping for this dessert. It's perfect hot out of the oven with just a drizzle of heavy cream... but I wanted something special and really romantic for all of you celebrating Valentine's Day at home... so break out the chocolate, the whipping cream and the Chambord. Doesn't that just sound like a party?

Soufflé au CHOCOLATE

Makes 4 individual servings

Prep: 20 minutes Bake: 15 minutes


1 tablespoon butter

1 tablespoon cocoa

1/3 cup granulated sugar, plus 2 tablespoons for the ramekins

5 ounces bittersweet chocolate, chopped finely

3 large egg yolks, room temperature

6 large egg whites, room temperature

1/16 teaspoon salt

Preheat oven to 375. Butter each ramekin. Dust with the cocoa and sugar. Set aside.

Carefully melt the chocolate over simmering water. Chocolate burns quickly so don't leave it unattended. Stir until just completely melted then remove the chocolate from the heat. Add the egg yolks, one at a time, gently whisking them together with the chocolate. Sit aside.  

In a separate bowl, beat egg whites with salt on medium speed until they are shiny and form soft peaks. Then turn the mixer on high and add the sugar, a little at a time until the egg whites will hold stiff shiny peaks.

Next, begin to incorporate the egg whites into the chocolate. This is an important step. You do not want to deflate the egg whites, but you do need to make sure there are no visible whites peeking through. Use a large spoon, spatula, or whisk; work gently. Add about a cup of the egg whites to the chocolate to smooth out the chocolate a bit. Then add the rest, 1/3 at a time, spooning up and over, very gently, to incorporate. It should be very light and fluffy, but make sure you have no threads of white peeking through the chocolate.

Spoon into the prepared ramekins- leaving about 1/2 inch at the top.

You can let these sit for up to 30 minutes before baking or you can bake them immediately.



Make this a few hours ahead.... and the white chocolate step is optional if you are short on time.

1 cup fresh raspberries

1/2 cup Chambord (raspberry liqueurl) plus 2 Tablespoons

1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream plus 2 Tablespoons

1 Tablespoon Confectioner's sugar

2 ounces white chocolate, finely chopped

First, put raspberries in the Chambord and let them soak to absorb the flavor.

Melt the chocolate in a double boiler, stirring to make sure it does not burn. Add 2 Tablespoons heavy cream or whipping cream to make the mixture smooth. Set aside.

Make whipped cream as usual.... Mix on medium, incorporate the sugar and 2 Tablespoons Chambord. Turn up to high and whip until stiff peaks form. With a whisk, add the whipped cream to the white chocolate. Refrigerate until serving time.

When the souffle comes out of the oven, top with the cream and raspberries. Drizzle a litle of the liquid from the raspberries over each. You can omit the cream and just use the raspberries! It's good that way, too!