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Valentine's Day Treats: Easy Chocolate Fondue

I think Fondue should be called Fun-due because what's not fun about dipping stuff in melted chocolate? It's simple, romantic, indulgent, and delightful... all on a stick! Well, on a skewer. But the point is that in less than 15 minutes, you can create a quick and elegant party for two (or twenty) that looks as gorgeous as it tastes. 

Prep all of your dippers; almost anything tastes good in chocolate. Suggestions: strawberries, pineapple chunks, marshmallows, cookies, pretzels, apple slices, bananas, biscotti, orange sections, and graham crackers. I like to put some on skewers to create a little sculpture. Then place the remaining ingredients on a platter or in bowls.

Photos: Arden PhotographyEasy Chocolate Fondue

1 cup whipping cream

3 semi-sweet chocolate bars (4 ounces each) chopped (I like to mix in some bittersweet also)

2 tablespoons of your favorite liqueur* (I like hazelnut, orange, raspberry, or coffee)

*Substitute 2 tablespoons strong coffee OR simply add 1/2 teaspoon vanilla if you don't want to use liqueur.

Add the chocolate to a heat-proof bowl over a double boiler (a heat-proof bowl placed over a simmering pot of water) Keep the water simmering, not boiling as not to burn the chocolate. As the chocolate begins to melt, stir in the whipping cream, a little at a time. After it is incorporated, stir in the liqueur.

Transfer to a fondue pot if you have one, If you don't use a heat-proof dish (like Pyrex) with a tea light or votive candle under the dish to keep the chocolate melted. A dish that is not heat-proof, such as porcelain or ceramic will crack.

NOTE: The dish will get very hot so make sure the candle is not too close to the dish and take extreme care when handling!!

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