
Entries in vodka drinks (14)


Weekend Cocktail: Raspberry Vanilla Lemonade

I poured a few things together after our photo shoot at the Sonnet House and came  up with this fantastic raspberry vanilla lemonade. You have to try it- it is so delicious and perfect for summer entertaining. I made a hi-test version and one without alcohol for the kids; however when serving both at the same party, make sure you keep them separated or labeled.

First, make up the vanilla bean simple syrup... it keeps in the fridge for a good 3 weeks or so. That way, you have it when you need it. You can do the same thing with mint, thyme. basil, or other herbs.


Makes about two quarts but it depends on how strong you want the lemonade to be- you can stretch it to a gallon by adding more water. I like it strong because it is always diluted when you add ice. 


2 pints fresh raspberries

2 cups fresh squeezed lemon juice

2 cups sugar

2 cups water

1 vanilla bean

2 quarts cold water*

* add the water to your taste. More if you like it weak, less water if you like it strong. I used about 1 quart water and then added a splash of chilled club soda at serving time to make it a bit fizzy.


Raspberry vodka


Chilled club Soda

Lemon wheels

First, make the simply syrup. Put the sugar and water (equal parts) in a pan and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Turn off the heat. Split the vanilla bean down the middle, do not cut it all the way through. Use the tip of your knife to remove the tiny brown seeds inside the vanilla bean. Scrape those into the pan and put the entire pod into the pot and allow to cool completely. I usually put this into a canning jar and store it in the fridge. I leave the vanilla bean in the jar but remove it before using.

For the lemonade: Put one pint of raspberries and the Chambord (if using) into the bottom of the pitcher. Let the berries soak up the Chambord for a while. Use a wooden spoon and mash them to get as much juice as you can out of them. I actually whirred them up with my immersion blender to puree them but you can do it either way. Add the lemon juice and stir together. Add half of the vanilla simple syrup. Stir. Taste. Add the water to your taste. I used about 1 quart cold water and added more of the simple syrup to my taste. But I happen to like it a bit sweet and really strong. Add the remaining raspberries.

If you are adding alcohol, reduce the amount of water to 2 cup. Add 2 cups raspberry vodka. At this point, I sometimes like to put it into the freezer for a few hours and get it slushy. I add one or two bottles of chilled club soda at serving time. If it is a hot day and the temperature requres lots of ice, I always make the lemonade strong without a lot of extra water because as the ice melts, it waters down the lemonade. Just something to think about!

Want to make a lemonade stand? Here's the how-to for more lemonade recipes and the how-to for decorating a lemonade stand.



Make it Tonight: Peppermint Hot Chocolate

Brrr... there's a chill in the air and the holidays are right around the corner. No matter if you're just cuddled up in a blanket watching Christmas movies or coming in from holiday shopping, make up a mug of this fast and super rich hot chocolate! Check out the variation at the end... a shot of something extra to warm you up fast!


Makes 2 large mugs

2 1/2 cups milk (use whole or skim, whatever you like)

3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa

3 tablespoons sugar

6 squares (3 ounces) 60 % Cacao dark chocolate, chopped 

1/2 teaspoon vanilla

dash salt

4 peppermint candies or 2 peppermint sticks, crushed fine + 2 peppermint sticks for garnish

1/2 cup heavy cream or whipping cream

Put the candies in a plastic bag and crush them using a rolling pin or mallet. Set aside. Put the milk in a saucepan. Slowly bring to a simmer, stirring occasionally. Reduce the heat. Add the sugar and stir to dissolve. Put the cocoa in one of the mugs. Add a bit of the hot milk and stir until it becomes smooth, adding more milk to thin it out. Add it back to the saucepan. Next, add the chopped chocolate and stir until it is completely melted. Let the chocolate heat through, stirring constantly. Add the crushed candies and stir until they are melted. Pour into mugs and drizzle a little heavy cream on the top. Garnish with a peppermint stick, whipped cream, a dusting of cocoa, marshmallows, or even more crushed candies... whatever you like and your diet can afford!

Variation: Add a shot of brandy, vanilla vodka, chocolate or white chocolate liqueur, coffee liqueur, or peppermint schnapps to your mug for some extra warmth!



Oprah's Favorite Summer Cocktail: The Moscow Mule

I was driving in the car and had on Oprah Radio-- I heard Oprah raving about her favorite summer drink, the Moscow Mule. I was so curious, I had to try it. I thought it was very refreshing and easy to drink. Best of all, they are easy to make. You'll need ginger beer, which you can find at most grocery stores these days or at an International market like World Market. And use fresh lime juice. Not the squeezy stuff.... You are supposed to serve a Moscow Mule in a copper mug but come on- who but Oprah has a copper mug? Serve it in a julep cup, a coffee cup, a plastic cup---who cares? Cheers to the weekend!


1 ounce vodka

1 teaspoon simple syrup (make it with equal parts sugar and water- heat til sugar dissolves, cool)

2 tablespoons fresh lime juice

1/2 cup ginger beer

1 sprig fresh mint

slice of lime


Pour vodka over ice. Add simple syrup and lime juice. Top with ginger beer. Garnish with mint and lime.



Weekend Cocktail: Vanilla Vodka Recipes for Summer Breeze & Dreamsicle Cocktail

Two of my favorite go-to summer drinks are made with vanilla vodka. Simple, no-fuss and soooo refreshing! Try one of these this tonight. Cheers to the weekend!



1 1/2 ounces vanilla vodka

4 ounces pineapple juice

squeeze of lemon juice


garnish with a lemon twist

Fill a glass with ice and pour over vodka and juice. Stir, serve!



3 ounces orange juice

1 1/2 ounces vanilla vodka

1/2 ounce orange liqueur like Grand Marnier

dash of heavy cream or whipping cream if you like.... optional


Put the ice in a cocktail shaker. Add the remaining ingredients. Shake and serve over ice.



Weekend Cocktail Blast from the Past: Root Beer Float Martini

Do you have fond memories of ice cream floats? I do. When I was a kid, my Dad and I used to sneak off to the Frosty Mug Root Beer shoppe for a icy root beer float. These would be put down in front of me in a frozen mug with big shards of ice falling off of it and I'd have to tippy-toe to reach the straw. Ohhh, those were so good on a screaming hot summer day. I've never forgotten that- or my love of floats. I recently had a root beer float martini at Chef Richard Blais' Flip Burger restaurant in Birmingham and it was excellent- although a bit pricey for just a couple of ounces. I guess you pay for all of the pyrotechnics and technology you get with it--- it arrives at the table smoking like a house on fire. Pretty dad-gum cool. Well, I can't make mine smoke and I'm afraid of the liquid nitrogen that Richard uses to fire these babies up.... but my home version of this is simple and sweet. Try it and go back to the ice cream counter of your youth- but this time, with a little kick to get your weekend off to a good start:) 

 Now, there are lots of ways to make an adult version of the root beer float. Some require expensive liqueurs like Galliano and you can also get root beer liqueur or root beer vodka (I like the Three Olives brand Root Beer Vodka) but unless you want to make a bunch of these, I'd just use vanilla vodka. You probably have it from one of my previous recipes.



1 ounce vanilla vodka

1 ounce Kahlua

4 ounces root beer, chilled

1/2 ounce heavy cream

1-2 scoops ice cream- depending on your glass

Dip your glass in water and put it in the freezer for a few minutes to chill. Put a scoop of ice cream in the glass. The size of the scoop is up to you. Put the vodka, Kahlua, and heavy cream in a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake well until very cold. Pour over ice cream. Top up with root beer. Serve with a bendy straw:)

Happy Weekend!