
Entries by Martie Duncan (339)


Martie's Weekend Cocktail: Classic Whiskey Sour

One of my all-time favorite cocktails; the Whiskey Sour. It's a classic that's making a comeback. The Whiskey Sour was my Mom's favorite cocktail to order for a special occasion... and on that rare occasion, I'd get to order a Shirley Temple. It always seemed so fancy and elegant to me. I always wondered how they got the top so frothy. Now I know they used a cocktail shaker to make it that way. Some people add lime juice. Some add a bit of egg white. This is the classic version.

Classic Whiskey Sour 

2 ounces bourbon

2/3 ounces fresh lemon juice

1 teaspoon superfine sugar (ok to use Confectioner's sugar because it will dissolve faster)

Dash of club soda (optional)

In a cocktail shaker add ice and all ingredients. Shake well, until the sugar dissolves. The classic way to serve is in a chilled martini glass or sour glass. I like to pour over ice in a short glass. Garnish with an orange slice and a Maraschino cherry.


Valentine's Day Treats: Easy Chocolate Fondue

I think Fondue should be called Fun-due because what's not fun about dipping stuff in melted chocolate? It's simple, romantic, indulgent, and delightful... all on a stick! Well, on a skewer. But the point is that in less than 15 minutes, you can create a quick and elegant party for two (or twenty) that looks as gorgeous as it tastes. 

Prep all of your dippers; almost anything tastes good in chocolate. Suggestions: strawberries, pineapple chunks, marshmallows, cookies, pretzels, apple slices, bananas, biscotti, orange sections, and graham crackers. I like to put some on skewers to create a little sculpture. Then place the remaining ingredients on a platter or in bowls.

Photos: Arden PhotographyEasy Chocolate Fondue

1 cup whipping cream

3 semi-sweet chocolate bars (4 ounces each) chopped (I like to mix in some bittersweet also)

2 tablespoons of your favorite liqueur* (I like hazelnut, orange, raspberry, or coffee)

*Substitute 2 tablespoons strong coffee OR simply add 1/2 teaspoon vanilla if you don't want to use liqueur.

Add the chocolate to a heat-proof bowl over a double boiler (a heat-proof bowl placed over a simmering pot of water) Keep the water simmering, not boiling as not to burn the chocolate. As the chocolate begins to melt, stir in the whipping cream, a little at a time. After it is incorporated, stir in the liqueur.

Transfer to a fondue pot if you have one, If you don't use a heat-proof dish (like Pyrex) with a tea light or votive candle under the dish to keep the chocolate melted. A dish that is not heat-proof, such as porcelain or ceramic will crack.

NOTE: The dish will get very hot so make sure the candle is not too close to the dish and take extreme care when handling!!


Martie's Valentine's Day Party Ideas: Kids, Couples, & Singles, too!

Valentine's Day is less than a week away and I'm starting to get some "help me with some ideas.... and fast" emails. Happily, some are from guys! I am all about any reason to have a party, and after all, what's not to love about love? It's a great reason to celebrate, no matter what your current romantic situation may be. Here are a few suggestions for the annual day of love:

Party for Two

Keep it simple but sentimental and you'll win him/her over every time. Surprise them with a favorite meal, their favorite movie, or a special treat that you never have, like an ice cream sundae with all the toppings. 

Recreate a romantic Italian restaurant at home complete with a dance floor! Read more...

A picnic for two in front of the fire is always fun.... send the kids away to Mimi's or off to bed early! Throw tons of fluffy quilts and comforters on the floor in front of the fireplace. Chill something; Prosecco, sparkling wine, or champagne would be nice. Select something from my list if you need help. Maybe make s'mores...toasting marshmallows over the fire... or a candle if you don't have a fireplace. Fondue is also really fun... but a bit messy. Here's a fast and easy recipe for fondue that will be the perfect ending to a romantic dinner for two.

If you do the rose petal thing, just remember that red rose petals WILL stain almost everything--- especially a white fiberglass type of tub. For that reason, I like pale pink for this romantic gesture.

For the guys: Pop the question all over again! Recreate your proposal and if it wasn't all that special, this time, make it memorable. Of course, a special token of your great esteem would be essential.

Make a romantic dessert together and then share the results! Try my Chocolate Souffle. Perfect for the occasion!

Need a cocktail for the occasion? Try my Mocha Margarita. Chocolate+Tequila= Love.

Party for More than Two

Do you have a mix of singles and couples you’d like to celebrate Valentine’s Day with this year? Select a party theme that doesn’t necessarily require any partnering or couple-oriented activities. Instead, select something that can be fun for all.

Host a Wine Find: You know how everyone loves to brag about that perfect bottle of red they discovered for only $12.99... turn this into a party where everyone brings a wine and a complimentary dish. Super easy, super fun! Read more....

Host a Progressive Dinner Party: In the UK, they call this a Safari Supper, which I like better than Progressive Dinner. Each course is hosted at a different home. This is perfect for a neighborhood party or supper club. The party usually starts and ends at the same home. Guests travel to different homes for the salad, soup, and main courses. But you can mix it up any way you like.

Throw a Pajama Party: There are lots of versions of this party theme. Everyone comes dressed in pj's and robes. Lots of pillows, blankets, and throws are all you need for decorations. Read about our Guilty Pleasure Pajama Party

Parties for Families or Kids

It seems as if Valentine's Day is more for the kids these days. Here are some fun ideas for family fun.

Make Edible Valentines: Host a cookie decorating party where the result is edible heart-shaped cookies to share with friends and family! Read more....

Host a Wii Bowling Party:Pretty self-explanatory. Families wear team shirts or dress in one color. Award prizes for the winners. Serve typical bowling alley fare: root beer, pizza and nachos are perfect.

Host a Tea Party: For the little girls, High Tea can be very fun. Make it a Mother-Daughter party, complete with dressy clothes, gloves, and hats. Make lots of heart shaped items using a cookie cutter as a template. Heart-shaped tea sandwiches, cookies, and cakes are perfect. Or get some ideas for heart-shaped goodies from our friends at


Weekend Cocktail: The Perfect Bloody Mary

Something about football screams Bloody..... Mary:)

I'm not sure where it started, but no tailgate worth it's ribs would be complete without a Bloody Mary. And just like ribs, potato salad, and gumbo, everyone has a recipe (most very closely guarded secrets) for the world's best Bloody Mary. I've researched. I've asked my friends. I've taste-tested, mixed, and poured. Now, I'd like to offer my own entry into the Bloody Mary Hall of Fame. Try one this weekend and let me know what you think!


Makes about a quart of mix; enough for 6-8 drinks

In a blender add:

3 cups tomato juice

4 T. fresh lemon juice

1 T. fresh lime juice

1 1/4 T. Horseradish (find it in a jar, ususally by the dairy)

2 T. Worcestershire Sauce

1/2 t. minced garlic

1/2 t. Tabasco

1/4 t. celery salt (plus more for rimming the glasses)

1/3 t. Kosher salt

1/2 t. black pepper

Whir everything together until smooth, transfer to a glass pitcher and chill. Before serving, assemble your mix-ins, garnishes, and rim mix.

Rim mix: Pour 1/4 t. celery salt, 1/4 t. Kosher salt, 1/4 t. black pepper onto a saucer. To rim glasses, use a lemon or lime wedge to mositen the rim of the glass. Dip the rim into the mix.

To serve: Add one ounce good quality vodka (I often use Absolut Peppar for a spicy kick) to each glass. Fill with ice. Pour Bloody Mary mix over ice. Let guests garnish at will. 

Garnish and mix-in options:

Limes, cut into wedges

Lemons, cut into wedges

Celery stalks with the leafy green tops

Pickled green beans

Pickled okra

Green onion stalks


Additonal Horseradish


SOUPer Bowl Showdown: Terry's Quick Chicken & Smoked Sausage Gumbo

OK, I recently posted my version of Gumbo. Complex. Dark roux. Lots of stirring. Lots of patience. I wanted to create an Old World style Gumbo... one that takes most of the day to make and is full of flavor. Terry's quick gumbo recipe tastes pretty darn great and it is a heck of a lot easier than mine! So for those days when you want something hearty and delicious and want it fast, this is your recipe! (Note- I am a mushroom hater so I left those out) Thank you Terry!!



1/4 cup of flour
1 tsp salt
3 cups chicken broth
1 cup sliced okra
1 cup chopped onion
1/2 cup chopped green pepper
1/2 cup chopped celery
2 cloves garlic, minced
4 ounces fresh mushrooms, sliced thick
1 can diced tomatoes
1 skinless, boneless chicken breast half – cubed
12 ounces smoked sausage, sliced about 1/2" thick
1/4 teaspoon ground red pepper
ground black pepper to taste
boiled white rice


Combine flour and salt in plastic bag; dredge chicken cubes in flour mixture to coat.
In large heavy saucepan, heat oil; brown chicken on all sides, remove and reserve. Add onion, celery, green peppers, mushrooms and garlic; sauté 5 minutes, stirring often.

Return chicken to pot. Stir in sausage, chicken broth, tomatoes in juice, salt, pepper and red pepper. Bring to a boil; reduce heat and simmer, uncovered, 45 minutes.

Add okra; cook 10 minutes longer. Serve each portion in bowl topped with 1/2 cup cooked rice.

Want more recipes from our SOUPer BOWL SHOWDOWN?


JACKIE'S TUSCANA SOUP                                       BLP: BACON, LEEK & POTATO