Holiday Decorations for the Kids

Once again my precious niece Kaitlin has put together some adorable decorations for our family's holiday gathering. She used apples, peanuts, almonds, some googly craft eyes and a paper napkin folded as the big bird's tail feathers. Aren't they great? Keep these apple turkey centerpieces in mind for next year, or add a wide black, some cotton and you've got a cute Santa. We'll have photos of those soon for your kid's holiday party decorations. And there's no waste because you can peel and eat these later! Thanks Katie! You're the best!

Martie Duncan,
Martie Knows Parties,
Thanksgiving crafts for kids,
decorations for a kid's table at Thanksgiving,
easy Thanksgiving decorations,
simple centerpiece ideas for Thanksgiving in
Thanksgiving decorations,
centerpiece ideas,
children's party ideas,
decorating ideas,
holiday parties for kids,
party decorations