
Entries in how to make simple syrup (2)


Infused Simple Syrup for Tea, Cocktails, Popsicles, etc.

Simple syrup is a staple in the kitchen, but especially in a Southern cook's kitchen. It is simple equal parts sugar and water, heated until the sugar dissolves. Our regional beverage of choice, Sweet Tea, is nothing but strong brewed tea, sweetened with simple syrup. But you can do a lot more with simple syrup than sweeten a deliciously refreshing glass of iced sweet tea. If you infuse the syrup with flavor, you can use that nectar to make so many more things.... and it will keep in the fridge for weeks until you need it, perfect for summer entertaining.


1 cup sugar

1 cup water

Combine sugar and water in a saucepan. Stir occasionally to dissolve the sugar. Bring to a boil and turn off the heat. Let it cool completely.

Now, to take your simple syrup to the next level, infuse it with flavor.


2 cups sugar

2 cups water

1 vanilla bean

Take a vanilla bean and split it down the middle; don't cut all the way through it, just cut it so you can open it. Take the tip of your knife and scrape out the seeds- get every seed, they are expensive! Put the seeds and the pod into the pan with the sugar and water. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Turn off the heat. Allow to cool completely. Store in a Mason jar in the fridge until you are ready to use it.  Strain if you like but I love the seeds floating around in the syrup. You can use it to make my Vanilla Bean Plantation Lemonade. You'll love it!


2 cups sugar

2 cups water

15-20 fresh mint leaves

Combine sugar and water in a saucepan. Stir occasionally to dissolve the sugar. Bring to a boil and turn off the heat. Drop in the mint leaves. Allow to cool completely. Strain. Refrigerate until you are ready to use.


Weekend Cocktail: Classic Mint Julep Recipe

I am a horse fanatic, I have been since I was a kid. So much so, I'd fall asleep with my entire plastic horse collection in my bed. I get excited about the Derby even though I don't follow horse racing. I've only been once but it was quite the experience... no other sporting event can compare. The hats, the pretty women, the dashing guys, the total Southern charm, the majesty of the horses, and of course, the Kentucky bourbon and the Mint Juleps! I always crack up because the Mint Julep is THE drink associated with the South more than any other. When I meet people from other countries and they find out I'm from Alabama, they tell me their impression is that we all sit around on the porch, sipping Mint Juleps..... So in tribute to the horses and most magnificent race in sports, here's a classic Mint Julep recipe my way, just in time for Derby Day. 

Adult Icees: Classic Mint Juleps for Derby DayCLASSIC MINT JULEP

To begin, make a simple syrup infused with mint. This will really bring a wonderful mint flavor to the cocktail and you can also use it to sweeten tea. For the simple syrup, combine equal parts sugar and water. For 6 drinks, I am using 1 cup each sugar and water. Bring it to a boil, and turn off the heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Add 15-20 fresh mint leaves. Stir. Allow the syrup to cool completely. Strain and pour into a canning jar, secure the lid, and chill. This will keep in the refrigerator for a week.

For one cocktail:

3 fresh mint leaves (plus more for garnish)

3 tablespoons mint syrup (depending on how sweet you like it, I like 3)

1 1/2 ounces Kentucky bourbon (I like Four Roses bourbon)

Crushed ice

Powdered sugar for garnish, if desired

Chill your glasses prior to serving. A traditional silver mint julep cup makes this cocktail so frosty and delicious. Add the syrup and mint leaves to a pitcher or shaker. Use a wooden spoon to muddle (not tear) the mint into the syrup to release the oil. Add the bourbon. Fill the cup with crushed ice and strain the bourbon over the ice, almost like a snow cone. Add a straw, a mint sprig, and a dusting of powdered sugar over the top, if you like. Serve immediately.

For a lighter, ess potent version, add 1/2 cup of unsweetened tea to fill the cup after you add the bourbon.