Easy Weekend Grilling: Hot Dogs, Brats and Sausage Dogs (and a beer)

Everyone loves a good hot dog. I guess there's nothing that says summer like a good ball park hot dog... or hamburger. But today is all about the dogs... an easy, affordable way to feed a bunch of folks and make them really happy, too!
Rather than just the standard hot dog, I decided to grill up different varieties of hot and sweet sausages: chicken and sage, chicken and apple, and spicy Italian along with some traditional brats. There is a trick to grilling really good sausages. You have to get them done all the way through yet keep them moist and not char the heck out of them on the outside. My trick to the perfect sausage is to pre-cook them first in beer. You can also do this with water but the beer really adds something extra to the flavor.
2 1/2 bottles of your favorite beer (reserving the other 1/2 for the peppers)
1 dozen fresh sausages, any kind. I like the spicy chicken or Italian sausages best
2 tablespoons olive oil
Pour the beer into a large pot. Add the sausages. Bring to a boil and then immediately turn off the heat. Let the sausages sit in the beer until it cools to room temperature.
To grill: Get your coals to a medium heat. Remove the sausages from the beer and brush them with a little of the olive oil. Grill about 10 minutes or until done. The time will depend on the size of the sausage and the heat.
1 each red, green, and yellow bell pepper, seeded and sliced into strips
1 small white onion, sliced into strips
1 small red onion, sliced into strips
1 small jalapeno pepper, seeded and sliced into small strips (optional)
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 bottle beer (I like to use a lager but use your favorite)
salt and pepper
Put all of the ingredients except the beer into a bowl and toss together to coat. Turn out onto a hot pan or skillet. Cook over medium-high heat. Don't stir too frequently; allow the veggies to caramelize slightly before stirring. After the veggies have been cooking for about 3 minutes, add the beer. Reduce the heat to medium and cook, allowing the beer to reduce. Stir occasionally.
Some people like a steamed bun for their hot dogs. I prefer a toasted bun. Brush a little of the olive oil on the bread and toast it lightly (too crusty will result in a broken bun= no fun!).
Shout out to a new favorite beer: Red Brick Pale Ale. They're out of Atlanta, GA. Check them out.