
Entries in cocktails for a crowd (1)


Weekend Cocktail: The Honey B

We had quite the party last weekend on Dauphin Island, Alabama. I plan to do a full post about it but one of the big hits of the night (there were many) was my signature cocktail and the bourbon tasting sponsored by Four Roses Bourbon. I have been using Four Roses yellow label for quite a few years for my bourbon cocktails. It's ultra smooth and mixes perfectly with fruit flavors and citrus.

This cocktail is perfect for almost any occasion. It's simple enough for an impromptu get-together and elegant enough for a wedding. The secret of this cocktail is the beautiful Alabama honey. If you can't get exquisite local honey like this, any honey will work but may not yield the glorious rich taste or color.


Makes 2-3 cocktails

4 ounces Four Roses Yellow Label Bourbon, room temperature

4 T local honey

1/2 cup lemon juice

1 cup unsweetened tea

Dash of Orange Bitters (find at most good grocery stores in the "adult beverage" mix aisle but regular is ok too)

In a cocktail shaker or pitcher, add the bourbon and the honey, one tablespoon at a time. Stir or shake well to dissolve the honey before you add the next tablespoon so it all dissolves. If you do this with chilled liquid, the honey will seize up and make it difficult to dissolve.

You may also heat the lemon juice slightly and dissolve the honey in that before mixing everything together.

Add the remaining ingredients. Serve over ice. You may also add a bit more of the tea and serve this as a warm cocktail.



 A great time was had by all. Thank you Four Roses!