
Entries in bridal shower ideas (49)


Weekend Cocktail: Raspberry Vanilla Lemonade

I poured a few things together after our photo shoot at the Sonnet House and came  up with this fantastic raspberry vanilla lemonade. You have to try it- it is so delicious and perfect for summer entertaining. I made a hi-test version and one without alcohol for the kids; however when serving both at the same party, make sure you keep them separated or labeled.

First, make up the vanilla bean simple syrup... it keeps in the fridge for a good 3 weeks or so. That way, you have it when you need it. You can do the same thing with mint, thyme. basil, or other herbs.


Makes about two quarts but it depends on how strong you want the lemonade to be- you can stretch it to a gallon by adding more water. I like it strong because it is always diluted when you add ice. 


2 pints fresh raspberries

2 cups fresh squeezed lemon juice

2 cups sugar

2 cups water

1 vanilla bean

2 quarts cold water*

* add the water to your taste. More if you like it weak, less water if you like it strong. I used about 1 quart water and then added a splash of chilled club soda at serving time to make it a bit fizzy.


Raspberry vodka


Chilled club Soda

Lemon wheels

First, make the simply syrup. Put the sugar and water (equal parts) in a pan and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Turn off the heat. Split the vanilla bean down the middle, do not cut it all the way through. Use the tip of your knife to remove the tiny brown seeds inside the vanilla bean. Scrape those into the pan and put the entire pod into the pot and allow to cool completely. I usually put this into a canning jar and store it in the fridge. I leave the vanilla bean in the jar but remove it before using.

For the lemonade: Put one pint of raspberries and the Chambord (if using) into the bottom of the pitcher. Let the berries soak up the Chambord for a while. Use a wooden spoon and mash them to get as much juice as you can out of them. I actually whirred them up with my immersion blender to puree them but you can do it either way. Add the lemon juice and stir together. Add half of the vanilla simple syrup. Stir. Taste. Add the water to your taste. I used about 1 quart cold water and added more of the simple syrup to my taste. But I happen to like it a bit sweet and really strong. Add the remaining raspberries.

If you are adding alcohol, reduce the amount of water to 2 cup. Add 2 cups raspberry vodka. At this point, I sometimes like to put it into the freezer for a few hours and get it slushy. I add one or two bottles of chilled club soda at serving time. If it is a hot day and the temperature requres lots of ice, I always make the lemonade strong without a lot of extra water because as the ice melts, it waters down the lemonade. Just something to think about!

Want to make a lemonade stand? Here's the how-to for more lemonade recipes and the how-to for decorating a lemonade stand.



Weekend Cocktail: Fresh Peach Sangria

It is a big weekend for me with the premier of Food Network Star so I wanted to make a signature drink to celebrate that not only was delicious, but represented my culinary point of view. You are going to hear a lot about that as the show goes on week to week. This recipe is not only delicious, it is inexpensive to serve for a large party. And it tastes as good as it looks! The best thing of all is that I made it with the best peaches in the world; fresh Chilton County Peaches from my home state of Alabama... ask for them at your store or farmer's market!


Serves 6-8

5-6 peaches, peeled and sliced

1 cup vodka (if you use peach vodka, omit the peach nectar)

1/2 cup peach brandy

2 tablespoons sugar

1 cup peach nectar (find it in the International aisle)

1 bottle chilled white wine or Prosecco

Club Soda, chilled (omit if you are using Prosecco)

Reserve 2 peaches for later. Muddle the remaining sliced peaches with the sugar in a large pitcher to release the juice. Add the vodka and brandy. Allow to sit for 1-2 hours. Crush to a puree with a wooden spoon or use an immersion blender to make into a puree. If you like, strain the puree before adding the remaining ingredients. I happen to like the pulp. Add the peach nectar, remaining peach slices, and white wine. Chill well. You can serve this immediately but it's even better if it has a chance to sit for a while so the flavors can develop. I like to chill it for at least 2 hours before serving. Top with club soda to taste at serving if you are using white wine. Omit the club soda if you are using Prosecco.   

Have a great weekend!!



Weekend Cocktail: Fresh Strawberry Fizz

Down South where I come from, we are in the early weeks of strawberry season. This is one of my favorite times of the year... chilly mornings, dew on the ground and fantastic early strawberries on the shelves at the farmer's market. The guy I get fresh strawberries from sells them off the back of his pick-up truck...real old-school.

I wanted to make a strawberry something or 'nother for my first weekend cocktail blog post since leaving for Food Network Star back in January. I also wanted to make it with some sparkle since we are still celebrating the cast announcement for the show. (please forgive me, this could go on all summer) So.... here's what I came up with: a simple, elegant cocktail perfect for a brunch, wedding reception, bridal shower, or ladies luncheon. My Fresh Strawberry Fizz... similar to a Bellini but with strawberry puree instead of peach. Let me know what you think! Happy weekend, friends!   


1 pint fresh strawberries, washed, hulled, and sliced

1 750ml bottle Prosecco, chilled

2 tablespoons Grand Marnier or other orange liqueur

1/4 cup fresh orange juice

Add the strawberries, orange juice and Grand Marnier to a pitcher. Puree using an immersion blender (stick blender or you can do this in a regular blender) until very smooth. Taste. If the strawberries are very sweet, you won't need a sweetener, however, if the strawberries are not that sweet, add a bit of Agave Nectar or Confectioners' sugar and puree a bit more.

Fill champagne flutes 1/3 full with puree. Top with Prosecco. Serve with a strawberry garnish.






Party One Bite Appetizer: Gougères a.k.a. Cheese Puffs

There are lots of easy appetizers I have in my arsenal of recipes but this one is one of my favorites... Gougères, the fancy French name for cheese puffs, are simple to make and you can freeze them and reheat them later so that makes them perfect party food in my book. Based on a classic French recipe for cream puffs but without the sugar, this base recipe can be used for all sorts of things: make them a bit larger, slice in half and use as a bun for a tea sandwich, for example. With sugar, it becomes a cream puff when you fill it with custard. Perfect for just about any menu- make a ton and freeze some for later... they are best served warm. Addictive, in fact!


1 1/2 cups water

1 stick butter, cubed

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

6 large eggs, beaten

1 1/4 cups shredded extra sharp Cheddar cheese

pinch cayenne pepper

1 1/4 t coarse ground black pepper

1 1/2 t coarse sea salt

Prepare a sheet pan with parchment paper. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Put the water into a large pan over high heat. Add the butter and bring to a rolling boil. Remove from the heat. Add the flour all at once, stirring until the mixture becomes a smooth, thick paste with no lumps. Add in the beaten eggs, a little at a time, stirring vigorously after each addition until incorporated and the dough is not slippery.

Stir in cayenne, black pepper, and the cheese. Put the dough in a pastry bag or a ziptop bag and push it down into the corner. Snip the end.   

Pipe the dough into 2" mounds. Use a bit of water on your finger to tap down the top slightly so the tip won't burn. Sprinkle the top of each with sea salt. Bake at 400 for about 30 minutes or until dry and browned. Serve warm.

Leave off the cheese and you can make these to stuff with all sorts of goodies. Chicken salad comes to mind.....



Easy and Affordable Recipe: Meringue Party Cookies

I am a big fan of these little meringue cookies. Meringue cookies are light, and airy... they just melt in your mouth. Add food color and they become a whole different thing... they become party decorations, too! You can use them on trays, on cake pedestals, in paper cones or simply fill pretty bowls with them and completely change the look of your dessert table. Since these little gems only have a couple of ingredients, they are not only pretty and delicious, the are also very affordable. You can even make sandwich cookies out of them with Nutella, almond butter, icing, or any other favorite filling. They are simple to make- but they do require a little time so make them the day or night before your party.


Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Place your rack in the center of the oven so the air can circulate easily around the pan. Best to bake one pan at a time. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. "Glue" the parchment to the pan to prevent slipping by using a bit of butter on each corner of the pan.

Makes about 20 cookies, depending on the size

Use a pastry bag, a large plastic zip top bag, or even two large spoons to form the cookies.

6 egg whites

1 1/2 cups granulated sugar (use superfine sugar if you have it- it dissolves faster)

1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar

1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract (or sub your favorite flavor. I like almond equally as well for the white cookies)

OPTIONAL: a very tiny drop of food coloring to make pastel colored cookies

Fit your mixer with the wire whisk attachment. Put the egg whites into the bowl of the mixer and beat on low-medium speed until they are frothy. Add the cream of tartar and beat until soft peaks form. Turn up the speed on the mixer to medium-high and begin to add the sugar a little at a time, giving each addition a minute to fully incorporate before adding the next bit. Continue to beat until the sugar dissolves and the mixture holds very stiff peaks. You can rub a bit between your fingers to check to see if it is gritty-- if it is, it needs more time. Keep beating the egg whites until you can no longer feel the sugar. Beat in the vanilla.

Use a spatula to transfer the meringue to a plastic bag. Easily work the meringue into the corner of the plastic bag and snip the corner of the bag. Pipe 2- 2 1/2" rounds, leaving a little room between each one. If you mess up on the piping, just scrape it off and put it back in the bag and try again. (It usually takes me a couple of tries before I get it going the way I want them to look.)  

 Bake for 1 1/2-2 hours. Make sure to turn the pan halfway through so that the cookies bake evenly. They are done when they are pale and crisp. Turn off the oven at this point and leave the cookies in the oven overnight to dry out completely.

These can be stored in airtight plastic containers at room temperature for up to a week.