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Weekend Recipe: The Wedge Salad

I have been craving a simple wedge salad. Perfect little snack or just the right size to accompany a big Saturday night steak. Get your wedge on tonight! It's super easy for dinner or for a big crowd when you are grilling. Simply cut our old friend iceberg lettuce into wedges, put on a platter, cover, and chill until serving time. To serve, sprinkle with bacon, cheese, chopped tomatoes, scallions, toasted almond slivers or your other toppings. Serve with your favorite dressing or this so-good faux Thousand Island dressing my mom used to make.

For the real bacon bits, take cold bacon and chop it into chunks. Fry over medium heat until crispy and brown. Drain on paper towels.

Faux Thousand Island Dressing

1 cup mayo

1/4 cup ketchup

the yolk of one hard boiled egg

1 tablespoon dill relish

salt and pepper to taste

dash paprika

dash Worcestershire sauce

Mix together well and chill until serving time.

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