Last Minute Halloween Decorating

It seems to me as if we've been celebrating Halloween for quite a while now since we've been talking about it for so long. Well, the big day is finally here and we're getting everything ready to greet the kids stopping by my fabulous friend and photographer Arden's house.
We've pulled together a quickie Halloween party table complete with easy decorations, creeeeepy chocolate gummy worm cupcakes, eyeball punch, and lots of treats for the kiddies. If you still have to decorate for tonight--- here's the easiest solution for a centerpiece or front porch decoration. It's a plastic version of our Pumpkin People that so many of you commented on but there's no carving and no mess. Simply take three of the plastic Halloween pumpkins you buy for trick or treating. They have them everywhere. I got these at Walgreen's for only 29 cents each! Before you stack them, pop in a flameless votive, mini flashlight, or a tiny round LED like I used. They will light up the centerpiece from inside. The pumpkins have a rim on the bottom so they stack easily, but I secured them with a little double stick tape. Now simply dress or accesorize your people with a hat, scarf of spider webs, or anything else you might have around. This centerpiece cost less than $4 and all of the kids love it! I took all of these pictures with my iPhone as we went along so we could rush them to the blog in time for you to have them today for your party tonight! Happy Halloween!