SECOND HELPING: Easy to Make Pumpkin People

After so many requests, here are the pumpkin people again. Cool weather, football games, leaves just beginning to change--- it's finally fall. Fall is my favorite time of the year and I am working on decorating and party ideas for everything we've got going on.
How to Make Pumpkin People
Look at these adorable pumpkin people my brother Jeff carved! That's my niece Sarah in the picture. These are so easy to make and are so much fun for the kiddies. You'll need three pumpkins in graduated sizes and a dowel, broomstick, stake, or piece of pipe or PVC for each pumpklin person plus "accessories" to dress them up. First, carve your favorite pumpkin face. Next, stack up your pumpkins to see how they fit together naturally. Next, drill a hole in the top of the bottom pumpkin and insert the dowel until it hits the bottom. Drill a hole in the top and bottom of the middle pumpkin and thread it onto the dowel. Last, drill a hole in the bottom of your carved pumpkin (the face) and place it on the top. Decorate with buttons, flowers, a hat, etc. FYI- I just made some of these and cheated a little and used carpet tape to stick the pumpkins together since I didn't have a drill handy and it worked great. For more unique pumpkin carving ideas, check out MSN's article with all kinds of decorating ideas. Some don't even require carving.
Special thanks to my brother Jeff for sharing with us.
Party on, ya'll.

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